Помогите очень срочно!

mtsnick 03 ноября 2023

Помогите очень срочно! Для экзамена Составить текст для топика на тему шоппинг. Не из интернета. И большой по размеру. Более 20 предложений.

категория: английский язык


Everyone enjoys doing shopping. Especially me! To be the honest, I don't imagine my life without shopping. It's so cool going through shops in malls. You can see everything there. Starting from sunglasses to… Whatever you can think about. In this case, there are good and bad sides. If you are addicted to shopping, you can spend all your money, which isn't good. Huh… And what about good sides… Buying some clothes you'll be fashionable (sure of you have style). Those emotions couldn't be got by doing anything another. Personally I like doing shopping with my friends. But the main point is about that I don't like to spend money. I have some dream to go somewhere. But anyway I can't stop. I know that my opinion won't depend on you, but anyway… Try not to be shopping-addicted. And good luck.=)

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