Fill in the gaps with will shakk or the correct fform of be going toA…

plan4ik 19 октября 2023

Fill in the gaps with will shakk or the correct fform of be going toA… I cook something for dinnerB.Let*s go out insteadA.That*s good idea . I… phone Chris and ask him to come tooB.Don*t bother.He*s got other plans.He… have dinner with his grandparentsA.Oh! Ok.Then. I… . call the restaurant and book a tableB… .I get the number for you? A.That would be great! Thanks!

категория: английский язык


Fill in the gaps with will shakk or the correct fform of be going toA.I am going to cook something for dinnerB.Let*s go out insteadA.That*s good idea . I am going to phone Chris and ask him to come tooB.Don*t bother.He*s got other plans.He is going to have dinner with his grandparentsA.Oh! Ok.Then. I am going to call the restaurant and book a tableB. Am I going to get the number for you? A.That would be great! Thanks!

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