Fill in the proper words.1 I is going to Scotland next summer.2 They …

kitino4ka 05 сентября 2023

Fill in the proper words.1 I is going to Scotland next summer.2 They … going to travel to the USA.3 She … learn many interesting things things next year.4 … you visit your granny? 5 He … not going there by train.6 The weather is going to be fine.7 We … leaving tomorrow.8 They … have a tour around the City next month.9 I … going to read this poem.10 Jack visit the theatre in November.

категория: английский язык


1. I am going to Scotland next summer. 2. They are going to travel to the USA. 3. She will learn many interesting things next year. 4. Have you visited your granny? 5. He's not going there by train. 6. The weather is going to be fine. 7. We are leaving tomorrow. 8. They will have a tour around the City next month. 9. I am going to read this poem. 10. Jack will visit the theatre in November.

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