Find the sentences in the present continuous tense1

gorilla 28 октября 2023

Find the sentences in the present continuous tense1.at the age of 18 American children finish their secondary school.2.students are studying for 3 years in a college before they apply for admission to a medical scholl.3.she competition to a medical school is very high.4.medical students are working for two year in clinics and outpatient departments5.the tuition fee is increasing with every coming yearочень нужно, помогите)

категория: английский язык


1.at the age of 18 American children finish their secondary school.2.students are studying for 3 years in a college before they apply for admission to a medical school.3.she competition to a medical school is very high.4.medical students are working for two year in clinics and outpatient departments5.the tuition fee is increasing with every coming year

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