H. Употребите глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple

sleevney 24 ноября 2023

H. Употребите глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1.I always (to stay) in the same hotel in NewYork. 2. Sandra and her husband are vegetarian. They (not to eat) meat. 3. 'What town is this? ' (to whisper) the boy in the dark. 4. I (call) you tomorrow morning. 5.aturday.'Don't worry. I (not to tell) him. 6. Where you (to be) tomorrow evening? 7. She (to live) far away now. 8. I (to make) an appointment two weeks ago. 9. They (to open) the road next summer. 10. Most people in this country (to speak) the same language.

категория: английский язык


1.I always stay (Present Simple) in the same hotel in New York. 2. Sandra and her husband are vegetarian. They don*t eat (Present Simple) meat. 3. 'What town is this? ' — whispered the boy in the dark. 4. I*ll call (Future Simple) you tomorrow morning. 5.Saturday.'Don't worry. I*LL NOT tell (Future Simple) him. 6. Where will you be (Future Simple) tomorrow evening? 7. She lives (Present Simple) far away now. 8. I made (Past Simple) an appointment two weeks ago. 9. They*ll open (Future Simple) the road next summer. 10. Most people in this country speak (Present Simple) the same language.

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