Помогите мне пожалуйста! Очень очень срочно!

serfer216 24 ноября 2023

Помогите мне пожалуйста! Очень очень срочно! Нужно втексте вместо цифр вставить слова: 1. Standards of ____ (1) ____ in thetask must be set out ____ (2) ____ in order that the ____ (3) ____ may be held accountable to the ____ (4) ____ for their efforts. The managers are also accountable to their ____ (5) ____ for the actions of their subordinates.

категория: английский язык


1. Standards of performance in the task must be set out beforehand in order that the manager may be held accountable to the subordinates for their efforts. The managers are also accountable to their superiors for the actions of their subordinates. 2. The decisions as to how this system will be structured and operated, and for what purposes, are made by managers. Management is, therefore, the best seen as a unifying resource, bringing together resources (people, materials,machines and money) in order to achieve the objectives of the organization .

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