Надо написать мини сочинение про Великобританию

vikap 19 октября 2023

Надо написать мини сочинение про Великобританию. На все пункты не более 5 предложения.-сельхоз-столица-самые большие города Великобритании-промышленность-климат-индустрия

категория: английский язык


London, the capital of the UK,is the greatest town and port on the British Isles.It's political,economic and commercial centre.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland is situated on the British Isles.The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland,Wales and Northen Ireland.Nowadays the UK is a higly developed industrial power.The North and the West of the country have huge deposits of coal and other minerals.Birmingham and Sheffield are the biggest centres of iron and steel industry.Manchester is the chief cotton manufacturing city and a big centre of textile industry.Liverpool is the world famous port on the west coast of England.Glasgow is the Scotland's biggest city. Ship-building is one of its most important industries,other industries are iron and steel, heavy and light engineering and coal-mining.Britain has a temperate climate due to the influence of Gulf Stream. The weather is very changeable and it is the favourite topic for conversation in Britain.

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