Написать рассказ о том как вы провели зимние каникулы на английском

wattbit 23 сентября 2023

Написать рассказ о том как вы провели зимние каникулы на английском

категория: английский язык


Winter holidays — it is a very fun time. And even if they are considered to be long, I wasted no time.Morning of my weekend began with the charging and mom's delicious Breakfast. In the afternoon we friends went to the skating rink, sometimes skiing in the city Park. And in the weekend dad and I went outside the city, where skiing and tubings. As explained to me dad, paneling is such rubber inflatable circles in which you need to roll with the mountains. From the speed I was breathtaking and I even cried with delight! And at night I played with his little sister and sometimes sat at the computer, communicating over the Internet with their relatives from out of town. Before bed I will definitely read the book.

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