Написать рецепт пирога…)

michail 05 октября 2023

Написать рецепт пирога…)

категория: английский язык


For this recipe you will need: Flour — 1,5 cups Butter — 250 g Powdered sugar — 1/2 cup Egg — 2 pcs. vanilla sugar — 1 package baking powder — 1 package sour cream — 1,5 cups Chocolate — 200g Salt — to tasteRub the butter and icing sugar until smooth, then add the beaten eggs. Continuing to whisk, add the vanilla, sour cream, half of the melted chocolate, flour and baking soda. Put the dough in a greased baking dish annular. Bake 25-30 minutes at medium power.When the cake has cooled, melt the remaining chocolate and pour this glaze cake.

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