Напишите 10-15 предложение на английском об Альберте Энштейне!

galaxylenovo 15 октября 2023

Напишите 10-15 предложение на английском об Альберте Энштейне! Решается моя оценка вчетверти!

категория: английский язык


Albert Einstein wasborn on the 14th of March in 1879 In Germany.His father was a salesman and engineer.He was a theoretical physicist. He was a very clever and talented person.He developed the general theory of relativity.It is one ofthe two pillars of modern physics.In 1921 He received the Nobel Prize in Physics.He received this prize for his services to theoreticalphysics and for his discovery of the lawof thephotoelectric effect.Einstein published more than 300scientific papers.He had also over 150 non-scientific works.He died on the 18th of April in 1955.Nowadays we use word "Einstein" as synonymouswith genius.When we say «You are Einstein» we mean “you are veryclever” .

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