Небольшое сочинение на английском о конфликтах…

suleymanovik 08 октября 2023

Небольшое сочинение на английском о конфликтах, из за чего они могут происходить, их пути решения, и показать это на примере, описать ситуацию и решитьее

категория: английский язык


What kinds of conflicts do you know? I know different kinds of conflicts: personal, political and global. Which kind of conflicts are the most interesting? I think, personal conflicts, these conflicts are happened between different people: between classmates, friends and etc. You may add something, such as: roommates, colleagues, between students and teachers… And of course, between the members of the family as a rule. Sometimes I have conflicts, but not very often. We should be more tolerant to each other. Many of teenagers can't help relying on their parents because they dream to be independent and have enough pocket money. But when I need some money I prefer to ask it from my parents because I have no time and opportunity to earn money. I must study hard to enter the institute. It is my job now. I think that the most common cause of conflicts is misunderstanding. To my mind to avoid any conflict we should be more tolerant to each other.

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