Нужно написать сочинение на тему СМИ

modps 23 ноября 2023

Нужно написать сочинение на тему СМИ (средства массового инфотрации) например Интернет, телевизор, телефон и т. Д не меньше 100 слов, на английскомязыке

категория: английский язык


Bell, Alexander Gray (Graham Bell) (1847-1922) — famous inventor of the telephone and radio background or photophone, professor of physics at Boston, an American citizen but a native of Edinburgh. Phone device, ie, an instrument that reproduces the word, aroused such a surprise that the famous English scientist Thomson did not hesitate to call it a miracle of miracles.Bell asked in a corresponding American institution (Patent office) to grant him the privilege of invention of the telephone February 14, 1876, and received it. The French Institute has awarded Bell the Volta Prize for this invention, which has now gained extensive use in all parts of the civilized world.Since receiving the privilege Bell made practical improvements in their device, operation of the invention has enriched it, although it is more a man of science than for profit; people close to him, the head of his business, get rich over it. First in 1878 in America and Britain began a series of processes, which challenged the right of Bell's received them the privilege, and many attributed the invention of telephone main parts, namely, against BA were: Mack Donoug, Edison, Berliner, Richmond Gray, Dolbir , Hodkomb, Chinnock, Randalu, Black, Irving, Phelps and Völker — all thirteen opponents. But the first decision of the court were eliminated from the competition's. Richmond, Holkomb, Randalu, Felns, Chinnock and Berliner.

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