open the brackets to write a complete story He (love) engines

doniii 22 сентября 2023

open the brackets to write a complete story He (love) engines. And certanly I, too, should (fall) in love with engines and automobiles. (Not, forget) that even before I could (walk) , the workshop (be) my playroom. My father (put) me there so that he could (keep) an eye on me all day long. My toys were springs and pistons that (lie) around all over the place, and these, I can (promise) you, (be) far more fun (play) with than most of the plastic toys most children (give) nowadays. When I (grow) older and (be) five years old, my father (talk) to me about school. He (lay) a hand on my sholder. "I (want) you (become) a great mechanic. You (learn) a lot already. But when you (grow) up, I (hope) you (become) a great engineer, a man who (make) better engines for automobiles and airplanes. For that you (need) a really good education."

категория: английский язык


Love, fall, don't forget, walk, was, put, keep, are lying, promise, was, to play, give, talked, laid, want, to become, learned, grow, hope, become, need.

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