Ответить на вопросы 1) You want someone to say something again…

vsv911 22 ноября 2023

Ответить на вопросы 1) You want someone to say something again .What do you say? 2) You want someone to open the window .What do you say?

категория: английский язык


1) If I want someone to say something again, I'll ask him/her to repeat it.2) If I want someone to open the window, I'll ask him/her to open the window. 3) Say three things you have to do tomorrow. — Tomorrow I'll read book, draw a picture and play the piano. 4) Say three things you have done this week. — This week I have visited my Granny, I have watched this film. I have written the letter.5) Your teacher is carrying a lot of books .Ofter to help him/her. — Olga Vladimirovna, can I help you to carry this books? 6) Say two things you were doing before your English lesson started. — I was having lunch and I was talking to my friends before my English lesson started.7) Give instructions to go from your school to the nearest bank. — After school go to the nearest bank.

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