Ответьте на вопросы (на английском языке): *Do you like watching…

dezire 23 ноября 2023

Ответьте на вопросы (на английском языке): *Do you like watching films? *Is watching a film more interesting than reading a book? *What films made you laugh a lot? *What films made you cry? *What films sent you to sleep? *What films made you feel good? *What films made you buy the soundtrack? *Is there a big difference watching a film

категория: английский язык


1) Yes, I do. I like watching films very much.2) As for me, I think that watching a film is more interesting for me than reading a book.3) Comedies films are make me laugh a lot.4) Dramatic films are make me cry.5) Historic films are send me to sleep.6) Optimistic films are make me feel good.7) Dramatic films make me buy the soundtrack.8) There is a big difference watching a filmon video or at home and in the cinema. I prefer to watch films at home.9) I like science fiction films because I like to look at the fantastic special effects and I like dreaming.10) No, I did not watch horror films alone, I'm afraid to watch horror movies alone.11) Yes, I know the popular American expressions in of films and cinema such as "After all, tomorrow is another day! ", "Bond. James Bond" and others.12) My favorite actor is Johnny Depp because I like his role in the films "Dead Man" and "The Rum Diary".13) The best film I had ever seen is a film "Peaceful Warrior." Main character is played by Scott Mechlowicz. The director of this film is Victor Salva.14) The last time I was in a movie in January this year. The film was very gripping and exciting. Yes I did, I enjoy it.15) Yes, It is sometimes happens with me. I sometimes watch the same film more than twice because the film makes me feel good.16) I think that the success of the film depends on the director, screenwriter and starry composition.17) My favorite genres are adventure films and science fiction films.

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