Переспроси и запиши ответы.1.He can play football.2

packer 22 ноября 2023

Переспроси и запиши ответы.1.He can play football.2.He likes to play football.3.He wants to play football with us.4.They can play bfsketball.5.They liketo play basketball.6.They want to play basketball with us.3-класс рабочая тетрадь Верещагина стр 32

категория: английский язык


1.He can play football. — Can he play football? — Yes. he can2.He likes to play football. — Does he like to play football? — Yes. he does3.He wants to play football with us. -Does he want to play football with us? -Yes. he does4.They can play bfsketball. -Can they play basketball? — Yes. he can.5.They like to play basketball.-Do they like to play basketball? — Yes. they do6.They want to play basketball with us- Do they want to play basketball with us? -Yes. they do

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