Переведите пожалуйста

leka27 26 июля 2024

Переведите пожалуйста (Kiss me and sign here, darling , demand for preniptial agreements is on the rise as unromantic as it seems , figuring out how to divide assets in case a marriage fails is a higher priority for an increasing number of newlyweds to be than traditional matters such as china patterns and guest list. Proponents of prenuptial agreements cite retes of divorce that approach 50 percents in the United states and in some European countries , and its rising incidence in the Middle East and Latin America, to defend the practicality of such pacts. Where recognised by law , these agreements can help assuage the turmoil of divorce and protect the interests of those with substantial assets.

категория: английский язык


Поцелуй меня и подписать здесь, дорогая, спрос на preniptial соглашения находится на подъемекак неромантично, как кажется, выясняя, как разделить активы в случае, если брак не удается имеет более высокий приоритет для все большего числа молодоженов быть, чем традиционные вопросы, такие, как системы Китая и список гостей. Сторонники брачные договоры ссылаются Retes развода, что подход 50 процентов в Соединенных Штатах и в некоторых европейских странах, а ее рост заболеваемости на Ближнем Востоке и в Латинской Америке, чтобы защитить практичности таких пактов. Где это предусматривается законом, эти соглашения могут помочь смягчить потрясения развода и защищать интересы тех, с существенными активами.

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26 июля 2024
I. УровеньАMatt is moving into his new bedroom today. He has four pieces of furniture to move into the room. He has a bed, a dresser, a desk, and a chair. Matt has to plan out how he will move everything. The bed must go in first. It has to be taken apart to fit through the doorway. It will be easier to put the bed back together if it is the only thing in the room. Then he can push the bed against the far wall. The other pieces of furniture can go into the room in any order. However, the dresser and desk are both too wide to fit through the doorway. They must be turned sideways. The chair is the smallest piece of furniture. It is also the easiest to move. Выберите правильный вариант ответа 1) What is the only piece of furniture that cannot go in the room last? A. bed B. dresser C. desk D. chair 2) Which sentence from the passage best lets us know that Matt has to plan how he will move everything? A. “He has four pieces of furniture to move into the room.” B. “It will be easier to put the bed back together if it is the only thing in the room.” C. “The other pieces of furniture can go into the room in any order.” D. “The chair is the smallest piece of furniture.” 3) What does Matt have to do make the bed fit through the doorway? A. take it apart B. turn it sideways C. put it in firstD. push it against the far wall 4) This passage is mostly about A. a new bedroom B. moving furniture C. taking furniture apart D. the moving day 5) Based on its use in the passage, we can understand that orderbelongs to which word group? A. cleanliness, organization, tidiness B. command, demand, direction C. grouping, pattern, system D. area, room, space 5 х 15 points

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