По заданной модели поставьте вопросы к каждому предложениюWho…

nikolas7 06 сентября 2023

По заданной модели поставьте вопросы к каждому предложениюWho… hospital? , Where does…? , Does she…?) 1.Nina Ivanova works at our hospital. (When…? , What… do in the morning? , Whose sheets and pillows…?) 2. In the morning Nina brushes her patients’ sheets and shakes pillows. (Is…? , How… injections? , What… very well? , With whom…?) 3. She is patients with old people and makes injections very well.

категория: английский язык


1. Nona Ivanova works at our hospital. Who works at out hospital? Where does Nina Invanova work? Does she work at hospital? 2. In the morning Nina brushes her patients' sheets and shakes pillows. Is Nina brushing her patients' sheets and shaking pillows now?

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
06 сентября 2023
Помогите решить задание 14. Complete these dialogues writing the pupils questions. Use expressionsfromSocial English Section (Textbook, p. 65-66) 1. P: ___________________________________________________________________ T: I don't think it is necessary. You can answer sitting at your desk.2. P: ___________________________________________________________________ Yes, please. It is dark in the classroom.3. P: ___________________________________________________________________ T: Yes, you can use the verbal phrase "to sit for an exam" instead of "to take an exam".4. P: ___________________________________________________________________ T: Yes, there are two p's in the world Mississippi and don't forget that s is doubled in both cases5. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: No, that's not a mistak. You can say "Do you mind my opening the window? "6. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: Sorry, it's certainly your turn. Go on reading, please.7. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: All right. I'm repeating it for the third time. The future tense is not used in clauses of time and condition.8. P: _____________________________________________________________________ T: Do you really think this is a good excuse? You have always been a sound sleeper. You should give up the habit of sleeping long hours in the morning.9. P: _____________________________________________________________________ T: Yes, please. Do you know where they keep chalk? It's downstairs, room 3,10. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: Oh, dear, oh, dear. Will an aspirin help? But in my opinion the best may is to consult a doctor.11. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: Abslutely. Both ways are correct. You can say "Put on your coat" as well as "Put your coat on".12. P: ____________________________________________________________________ T: If you are through with the translation, start reading the text "Education in Australia".13. P: _____________________________________________________________________ T: No, you are supposed to do it in class.14. P: _____________________________________________________________________ T: I think you can if it is really absolutely necessary to have your Maths class so short.15. P: _____________________________________________________________________ T: Change your seat then. Sitting at the front desk you'll be able to see the blackboard very well indeed. _______________-это куда нужно вставить

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