Please,correct me … . You watch over the health but you haven't time…

svensoft 06 октября 2023

Please,correct me … . You watch over the health but you haven't time to prepare healthy breakfast? then this offer specially for you. Multipurposemulti-cooking REDMOND will make your diet various and useful. In existence some modes — steam boiling,suppression,baking. Imagine, that you simply put all components in capacity in the evening and in the morning magnificent,hot,home-made bread waits you. You shouldn't waste time on cooking. All that its necessary to throw ingredients and put the timer. And you may be free. Hurry! the offer is limited/ Now you can pay this wonder only 300$. Only now you receive the book of recipes as a present

категория: английский язык


You watch over the health but you don't have enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast? Then this offer is specially for you! Multipurpose multi-cooking REDMOND will make your diet various and useful. It includes few modes — steam, boiling, suppression, baking. Imagine, that you simply put all components into the bowl in the evening, and in the morning magnificent, hot home-made bread is waiting for you. You shouldn't waste your time on cooking. All that you need is to put all ingredients and set the timer up. And you may be free. Hurry! The offer is limited! Now you can pay for this wonder only 300$ (you can buy this wonder for only 300$). Only now you can receive the book of recipes as a present. Я не совсем поняла, какую функцию вы обозначили словом suppression (подавление, утаивание, угнетение).capacity (вместимость, емкость, объем, способность, мощность, производительность и т.п.) — это не та емкость, которая вам нужна здесь, лучше использовать bowl (там, наверняка, что-то вроде чаши).

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