Поставьте следующие предложения в past и future indefinite.1

thedoctorde 05 сентября 2023

Поставьте следующие предложения в past и future indefinite.1.there is one theatre and five cinemas in this town. 2. there is no lift in our house. 3.there is little milk in the bottle. 4. there are few shops in this district.

категория: английский язык


1.there was one theatre and five cinemas in this town.2. there was no lift in our house.3.there was little milk in the bottle.4. there were few shops in this district.1.there will be one theatre and five cinemas in this town.2. there will be no lift in our house.3.there will be little milk in the bottle.4. there will be few shops in this district.

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