Поменять на косвенный речь. 1.The teacher says, ,,Come in!

angariya 25 ноября 2023

Поменять на косвенный речь. 1.The teacher says, ,,Come in! 2.,,Dont sit up late,, says the doctor to Mary. 3.Kate says to Nick,,,Dont come in here!

категория: английский язык


1) The teacher asked me to come in.2) Th doctor asked Mary not to sit up late.3) Kate asked Nick notto come in there.4) Boris asked me to call him the next day.5) The teacher said that we had to write that test that day.6) Molly asked me not to aks her about that.7) Amy asked his friend to play the piano following weekend.8) They said that we had not gardered the day before.9) Mum asked her son not to forget to clean his teeth.10) She said that her sister had beeing learnt English

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