Помогите написать сочинение, людии!

sany33 11 октября 2023

Помогите написать сочинение, людии! Ответить на сообщение другу по переписке: Last week my school played a football match against another school team.We won and there was a big celebration! Next week I'm playing basketball in a friendly game. What sports are popular in your country? Which ones do you like to watch? Do you play a sport?

категория: английский язык


Thank you for your letter. My congratulations on your victory. In your letter you asked me about popular sports in my country. Well, there are a lot such sports. For example, there are football, hockey, tennis and figure skating. As for me I'm not find of sport I can call myself a coach-potato. But I wouldn't mind about watching football match on TV or enjoy figure skating competitions. I am not keen on sports at all but sometimes my friends and I play different team games in the yard. Sorry, but I have to finish just now. I'm going to the party tonight.

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