Помогите написать сочинение на 200 слов "my relation with my friend

whitedoz 19 октября 2023

Помогите написать сочинение на 200 слов "my relation with my friend (s) " или какой должен бытьдруг!

категория: английский язык


Ifyou begin to list all the qualities that should have a real friend , itwould be no ordinary man, and Superman: kind , funny , loyal, honest ,faithful, coming to the rescue , able to support in difficult times andbail out , bold , interesting… And that's not all. I wonder whether living person in the world that has all these qualities? © 2001-2005 APL with a ch.R It is possible , but such people the unit , it is people — heroes -men Legends . Buteven they have a right to be wrong , because people can not, and shouldnot be ideal , otherwise it will be very lonely in this world .Whom do we choose as friends? Perhaps those who have the qualities that have paramount importance to us . Not all of the above , but only some . And we cherish this man , because he is, what it actually is . Inthe other does not appreciate the quality of the individual , and ofthe whole person: his habits, demeanor and conversation.Mostunderstand that a stranger to the person you become a real friend afterjointly experienced troubles, failures, difficulties in which a personis revealed from within , not being able to lie in front of him .A real friend … This is something intimate, infinitely precious , warm and cozy . " A friend in need is not give up, do not ask too much ." Yes , it is. But it is not only a friend , when he is — for you . I believe that friendship is one-sided — it's a mirage, an illusion. Friendship — is when take the two of them, but also give each other — two . To be honest , without cheating , without the use of one person to another.Do many qualities that I think are important and necessary for a true friend , do I have? What I am willing to sacrifice for the other? Ithink we need to ask themselves more often these questions, that is tobecome a true friend , then surely there will be people who will supportyou in difficult times , without hesitation immediately served ahelping hand and share with you all the joys and sorrows of life.

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