Помогите! Нужно написать о школе, не важно о какой!

viach 02 сентября 2023

Помогите! Нужно написать о школе, не важно о какой! Вот план 1) name2) adress-city,street,center3) typeprofile-private4) staff-tichers-tehnical5) rooms6) finance

категория: английский язык


My school N 345 is situated in the center of our city. Its address is 86, Ostrovckaya Street. It is a private school. My school is large and light. There are three floors in it. There is a gym, a library, acanteen and a few classrooms on the ground floor. There are many classrooms anda teachers’ room on the first and on the second floors. Our classrooms are very large and light. Thereare twelve desks, a teacher’s table, a blackboard and many flowers in ourclassrooms. The mostimportant thing for me at school is to study well, respect teachers and otheradults, follow the rules of my school and wear a school uniform. I try to do myhomework perfectly and get good marks. My favourite school subjects areEnglish, History and Literature. I’m fond of sport and music. So I two yearsago I joined our school clubs: Basketball club and Musical club.My schoollife is wonderful. There are lots of concerts, performances and sportcompetitions in our school. My classmates and I often take part in differentschool events. I have a lot of friends in my class. Our teachers are kind and intelligent and myclassmates are smart and friendly.

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