Помогите Нужно ответить на три маленьких вопроса: Which of the films…

dmitriydudar 15 ноября 2023

Помогите Нужно ответить на три маленьких вопроса: Which of the films you've ever seen do you find the most fascinating? Which of the jobs you've everdone was the most monotonous? which place you've ever seen can you describe as a stunning place?

категория: английский язык


the most exciting movie that I saw it was a movie called Pirates of the Caribbean (all parts).most monotonous work is cleaning on domu.vsegda get used to these places and they annoy youI can describe this place I saw and go there often. this place is the friendly field tosazheleniyu I can not tell where it is sektret, but I can describe. There's a good viewsunset and sunrise. isolntse the moon, and it all seems as close as 3D effect it

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