proekt-63 02 ноября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста (НАЙДИТЕ СИНОНИМЫ ЭТИХ ФРАЗ В ТЕКСТЕ… ФРАЗЫ: experience of alifetimeto provide withto benefit fromto experience firsthandparticipantlifelongappreciation of somethingto enhance student's livesunforgettable awareness of somethingto gain skillsmaturityself-confidencecommunicativeness

категория: английский язык


Education Abroad The value (to experience firsthand) of a student exchange between foreign families is an experience of a lifetime (to gain skills). The mixing of cultures and backgrounds provides young people with an unforgettable awareness and a lifelong appreciation of each other (to enhance student's lives). Everyone in the family, in fact, benefits from this new understanding (unforgettable awareness of something) and friendships (communicativeness) start. There is no better way to learn about another country, its customs and its people's way of life than by experiencing it firsthand as a student exchange participant. Year after year study abroad education enhances (to benefit from) students' lives. They gain skills (experience of a lifetime) they could never have learnt by staying home, including maturity, self-confidence, communicativeness, and the ability to become a global citizen (maturity).To learn more about the advantages of becoming a foreign exchange student (participant) take a look at the previous topics or search directly for a specific programme (appreciation of something) in the list.

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