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horopartner 29 сентября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать эссе по английскому на тему "How to stay positive? "

категория: английский язык


It means to feel grateful for any outcome. ANY. This means to say thank you to God (and the universe) for the things that you did not choose consciously and did not even want them to occur.Gratitude — a magic potion from any ailments. The fastest and most effective way to accelerate the alarm, to get rid of frustration, change the negative attitude to positive. When the place value judgments comes gratitude, body covers peace, kindness, soul, and mind fills wisdom. Sense of life is changing, and fast.Attitude — that's it. Ratio allows the correction of the life course. Negative attitude on the way forward unhappiness. INEVITABLE. It happens always, no matter what exactly the problem is. Positive attitude to the back, on the way to inner peace and happiness. INEVITABLE. It happens always, no matter what exactly the problem is.Therefore, whenever you are faced with the undesirable result or outcome, just stop, close your eyes and say, "Thank you God." Take a deep breath and say it again: Thank you God for this gift and for being a treasure for me, which it contains. "And be sure that it really contains a treasure, even if now you can not see. Life sure you show it, if you give it a chance.

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