Помогите пожалуйста написать стихотворный перевод…

faeton 22 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста написать стихотворный перевод, обязательно в рифму. С ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОМ НЕНАДО! A Mid-Day Dreamer I love to sit alone, and dream,And dream, and dream; In fancy's boat to softly glideAlong some streamWhere fairy palaces of goldAnd crystal brightStand all along the glistening shore: A wondrous sight.My craft is built of ivory,With silver oars,The sails are spun of golden threads,And priceless storesOf precious gems adorn its prow,And 'round its mastAn hundred silken cords are setTo hold it fast.My galley-slaves are sprightly elvesWho, as they row,And as their shining oars they swingThem to and fro,Keep time to music wafted onThe scented air,Made by the mermaids as they combTheir golden hair.And I the while lie idly back,And dream, and dream,And let them row me where they willAdown the stream.

категория: английский язык


И за это всего лишь 5 б +3 балла за лучший? Ха — ха

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