Помогите пожалуйста сделатьOpen the brackets to complete…

drzlo 15 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста сделатьOpen the brackets to complete the sentences.1. Sam (play) tennis for 6 years.2. He (get up) early every day.3. John (not to) washing up yet.4. It (not rain) now.5. She (do) her homework yet? 6. It (shine) at 8 o’clock yesterday.7. She (go) to the cinema last week

категория: английский язык


1. has been playing2. gets up3. Может быть has not washed up yet4. is not raining5. Has she done her … 6. was shining7. went

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15 октября 2023
Помогите, пожалуйста.Choose the correct answer.1. James is always lazy. He failed a test last week.a) If you hadn’t been so lazy, you would pass that test.b) If you weren’t so lazy, you would have passed that test. c) If you weren’t so lazy, you would pass that test.2. If he ___ you an invoice, you should pay him.a) would sendb) ‘s sentc) had sent3. Which sentence is correct? a) If you’d remembered to bring a map, we wouldn’t be lost now.b) If you remembered to bring a map, we wouldn’t be lost now.c) If you’d remembered to bring a map, we wouldn’t have been lost now.4. Choose the sentence with the meaning below.Paul drove too fast. Now he’s in trouble with the police.a) If Paul hadn’t drive too fast, he wouldn’t have been in trouble with the police.b) If Paul didn’t drive too fast, he wouldn’t be in trouble with the police.c) If Paul hadn’t driven too fast, he wouldn’t be in trouble with the police.5. If you _________ the photocopier off and off again, it sometimes works.a) will turnb) turnc) turned6. If ____ late, can you turn everything off before you go? a) you’ll workb) you’ve workedc) you’re working7. I don’t have a degree, so I didn’t get the job.a) If I’d had a degree, I would get that job.b) If I have a degree, I would have got that job.c) If I had a degree, I would have got that job.8. You didn’t fix the roof. Now it’s leaking.a) If you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t have been leaking.b) If you fixed the roof, it wouldn’t have leaked.c) If you’d fixed the roof, it wouldn’t be leaking.9. You can't find your purse. You think someone has taken it. What do you say? If someone ____ my purse, I’ll be furious! a) takesb) tookc) has taken10. Which word CANNOT go in the space? If you order the book today, it ___ arrive tomorrow.a) mayb) shouldc) would

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