Помогите, пожалуйста. Задание: составить 7 предложений с любыми…

viter78 04 ноября 2023

Помогите, пожалуйста. Задание: составить 7 предложений с любыми из этих словосочетаний. (на английском) Вот эти словосочетания,Technical skills, organized, based on competition, recreational pursuits -, an integral part of our lives, and people of all ages, and lead a healthy lifestyle, and high achievements-quite-worthy places, accustomed to the sporting life-, ski-run, 5 different tricks-, is expensive-, rent-, extreme-sports, a new passion, to fall like a stone, and the annual subscription-, enjoy the general atmosphere, most of them-, empathy, team spirit, to support compatriots do better-.

категория: английский язык


You need technical skills to get this job.People of all ages try to lead a healthy lifestyle.It's more expensive to live in the city than in the country.How much rent do you pay? It is risky but I like extreme-sports.This game is my new passion.Try to keep up our team spirit.

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