Помогите приз, ответить на вопросы.…

lenem 02 ноября 2023

Помогите приз, ответить на вопросы. 1).Did you see and learn a lot of interesting and exciting things in your travels when you went hiking or camping? What were they? 2).What do you think is the best time of the year for camping, hiking and travelling? Why do you think so?

категория: английский язык


1) yes, of course. We saw many beautiful trees and flowers. 2) in my opinion, it is summer. Because the weather is fine, the sun shine and the river is warm. 3) yes, we do. In summer we always do camping, we go to the river, light fire, swim in the river, look at the stars at night and tell different stories. 4) sometimes we go to the river and sometimes we go to the mountains. 5) no, I am not

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