Помогите составить топик по английскому на тему Keep in touch

irinab 29 сентября 2023

Помогите составить топик по английскому на тему Keep in touch.

категория: английский язык


It is very important nowadays to stay in touch and keep in touch with as many people as possible. There are some reasons for it.First of all, you never know what will happen and who will be able to help you to solve this or other problem. So, you should be aware of where is this or that person and whether he is able to help you or not.Second of all, it is just a pleasure to have such a great number of friends or distant relatives. Besides, if you don't stay in touch, you will quickly be forgotten. you will stay all alone, and that's awful, because everybody should have many persons to talk with.it's not so hard to keep in touch with each other nowadays thanks to Internet, mobile phones etc. you can find your old friend or a distant relative in the Internet (with the help of social nets) and stay in touch with them no matter where they live.

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