Поставьте глагол в нужной форме.Mr.…

trashtalker 08 ноября 2023

Поставьте глагол в нужной форме.Mr. and Mrs. Lucas 41______ (go) to the cinema. And I 42______ (sit) with Jenny. They 43______ (be) away for two hoursnow. This is the first time I 44_____ (ever/ask) to baby-sit and I 45_____ (not find) it easy. Jenny is seven. She is very nice, but she 46_____ (be) a real nuisance tonight. I can’t make her 47______ (go) to bed. I had nothing 48______ (do) but let her 49 ______ (do) what she 50 ______ (want). I can’t wait for her parents 51 ______ (come); This is what happened next: Mr. and Mrs. Lucas 52 _____ (come) home at 11:30. They 53 ______ (have) a great time. They saw Jenny 54 ______ (sit) on the floor, playing with her toys. “55______ (be) you all right? ” her mother asked her. “I hope you 56______ (not be) very naughty. Where is Angela? ” “She 57 ______ (sit) at the kitchen table. She 58 ______ (sleep) for the last two hours. She 59 ______ (be) a very good girl. I 60______ (have) a lovely time.”

категория: английский язык


41.went, 42.am sitting,43. are, 44.have ever been asked, 45.do not find,46.is, 47.go, 48.to do, 49.do, 50.wants, 51.to come, 52.came, 53.had had, 54.sitting, 55.are, 56.were not, 57.is sitting, 58.has been sleeping, 59.was, 60.had.

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