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ttertrete 20 октября 2023

Поставьте следующие предложения ввопросительную форму. Запишите краткие ответы к общим вопросам. Составьте отрицательные предложения.Example: Granny is in the village now. – Is Granny in the village? Yes, she is. – Granny isn’t in the village now. 1) My grandparents are rather old. 2) The library is in room 703. 3) Peter and Andrew are in group 7. 4) It is ten by my watch. 5) Mr. Black is on business. 6) I am fond of travelling. 7) The secretary is very busy now. 8) These engineers are Russian.

категория: английский язык


1) Mygrandparents are rather old – are my parents rather old? Yes, they are. – My grandparents aren’t rather old.2) The library is in room 703. –is the library in room 703? Yes, it is. – The library isn’t in room 703. 3) Peter and Andrew are in group 7.– Are Peter and Andrew in group 7? Yes, they are. – Peter and Andrew aren’t ingroup 7. 4) It is ten by my watch. – Is itten by your watch? Yes, it is. – It isn’t ten by my watch. 5) Mr. Black is on business. – Is Mr.Black on business? Yes, he is. — Mr. Black isn’t on business. 6) I am fond of travelling. – Are youfond of travelling? Yes, I am. — I am not fond of travelling. 7) The secretary is very busy now.– Is the secretary very busy now? Yes, he is. — The secretaryisn’t very busy now 8) These engineers are Russian. –Are these engineers Russian? Yes, they are. — These engineers aren’t Russian

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