Правильно написанно (граматика) И укажите где исправить Hi!

majiblu 12 октября 2023

Правильно написанно (граматика) И укажите где исправить Hi! I received your letter! I was glad of hearing from you as well! Thanks for your invitation. But I am compelled to upset you, I can't go with you on concert. The matter is that my parents are going to go to the cinema and I will be compelled to nurse my little brother. On the next week i wiil be free and we can go on another concert. Thanks for understanding! Well will have fine.

категория: английский язык


Hi! I have got your letter! I was glad to hear from you again! Thank you for your invitation. But I am compelled to upset you, I can't go with you to the concert because of my parents who are going to the cinema at the same time and I have to stay with my little brother. Next week I wiil be free and we will be able go to another concert. Thanks for understanding! Yours,Nina

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