Put the verb in brackets into the PastIndefinite or the Present…

gary-markelov 05 сентября 2023

Put the verb in brackets into the PastIndefinite or the Present Perfect.1. What ________ (happen) to you? 2. The accident _________ (happen) last Sunday afternoon.3. We _________ (just return) from our holiday. We ________ (stay) at a very good hotel.4. They ___________ (never buy) new cars.5. We ________ (do) our shopping on Monday.6. Ann _________ (take) a lot of nice photographs lately. But last weekend she ___________ (take) very few.7. I __________ (write) two letters to Jane this month. But last month I _________ (not write) any.8. John _________ (find) some money and __________ (take) it to the police.9. Mozart _________ (live) from 1756 to 1791,10. Kate likes travelling. She _________ (visit) many countries.

категория: английский язык


1. What has happened to you? 2. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon. 3. We have just returned from our holiday. We stayed at a very good holiday. 4. They've never bought new cars. 5. We did our shopping on Monday. 6. Ann has taken a lot of nice photographs lately. But last weekend she took very few. 7. I have written two letters to Jane this month. But last month I didn't write any. 8. John has found some money and taken it to the police. 9. Mozart has lived from 1756 to 1791. 10. Kate likes travelling. She has visited many countries.

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