Put the verbs in brackets into correct form of Indefinite Passive

xandr123 01 ноября 2023

Put the verbs in brackets into correct form of Indefinite Passive. 1) The cadets of our college (to send) to the port every summer. 2) They (to instruct) in seamanship next year. 3) Radio apprentices (to tell) how to repair transmitters in case of trouble last term. 4) The boatswain (to order) by the captain to repair three life-boats last week. 5) The Russian Museum (to visit) by thousands of people every year. 6) Kate (to invite) to see a new film yesterday. 7) A new TV set (to buy) by our Chief Officer next month. 8) The ice-breaker Jermak (to build) by Admiral Makarov in 1899.

категория: английский язык


1) are sent2) will be instructed3) were told4) was ordered 5) is visited6) was invited7) will be bought8) was built

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