Раскройте скобкиPast Simpl,Present Perfect…

snakepsk 02 октября 2023

Раскройте скобкиPast Simpl,Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continious) -1. What you (to do) here since morning? 2. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest.3. You (to find) your notebook? -No! I already (to look) for it for two hours, but I (not yet to find) it. 4. (To wait) for you since three o'clock.5. Ann (to read) for an hour already. She already (to read) sixty pages.6. My uncle (to buy) his bike three years ago.7. I (to write) a letter since I came home.8. Where are your gloves? -I (to put) them into my pocket.9. We (to know) each other for four years.10. They (not to sleep) during last night. — ЗАРАНЕЕ ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО

категория: английский язык


1. what have u been doing heresince morning? 2.he has been running for ten minutes without any rest3.have you found your notebook? — no! i already have been looking for it for two hours, but i haven't found it.4.have waited for you since three o'clock. Или можно также: have been waiting for u since three o'clock5. Ann has been reading for an hour already. She has already read sixty pages.6.My uncle bought his bicycle three years ago.7.i have been written a letter, since i came home8. where are your gloves? — i have put them into my pocket. 9.we have known each other for four years.10.they haven't been sleeping during last night.

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