Раскрыть скобки, поставить глагол враскрыть скобки…

centos 16 октября 2023

Раскрыть скобки, поставить глагол враскрыть скобки, поставить глагол в правильную форму. И перевести.the documents (to check) at the passport control area.my salary (to pay) into my account.these souvenirs (to make) by hand.in this supermarket a 10 pen cent discount (to give) to regular customers.a iot of money (to spend) on advertising last year.new computers (to deliver) to the shop tomorrow.the scientist (to award) the nobel prize for his discovery.our clients (to invite) to the trade show next month.these problems (to discuss) at the meeting yesterday.

категория: английский язык


The documents are checked at the passport control area. My salary is payed into my account. These souvenirs are made by hand. In this supermarket a 10 percent discount is given to regular customers. A lot of money was spent on advertising last year. New computers will be delivered to the shop tomorrow. The scientist was awarded the nobel prize for his discovery. Our clients will be invited to the trade show next month. These problems were discussed at the meeting yesterday.

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