Report what the guests saidat a wedding last Sunday.1

frenir 16 сентября 2023

Report what the guests saidat a wedding last Sunday.1. They will make a lovely couple.2. They’re going to live in Brighton.3. The bride and the groom are very nice young people.4. The bride is wearing a beautiful wedding dress.5. The couple’s parents look happy.6. The bride’s father has bought them a big flat. 1. Miss Moore said (that) they would make a lovely couple.2. Mr Smith… .3 Mrs Jones ,… .4. Mr Roberts… .5. Mr Clarke… 6. Miss Mayall…

категория: английский язык


1. Miss Moore said (that) they would make a lovely couple.2. Mr Smith said that they were going to live in Brighton.3. Mrs Jones said that the bride and the groom were very nice young people.4. Mr Roberts said that the bride was wearing a beautiful wedding dress.5. Mr Clarke said that the couple's parents looked happy.6. Miss Mayall said that the bride's father had bought them a big flat.

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