Поставьте глаголы в скобках в првильную форму…

respondent 12 сентября 2023

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в првильную форму 1.They (to be) to Paris last month.2.we (not to have) the test two days ago.3.When you (to get you) yesterday? 4.Frank (to be) at home at 9? 5.She (to write) a letter to her friend on Wendnesday.6.What time tou (to finish) your work? 7.Mary (not to call) ma et 7,8.Tom (to like) the film he (to see).9.You (to hear) the news yesterday.10.Some minutes ago my wach (to stop) 11.When she (to leave) the room,her baby (to cry).

категория: английский язык


1. They were in Paris last month.2. We did not have the test two days ago.3.When did you get up yesterday? 4. Was Frank at home at 9? 5. She wrote a letter to her friend on Wednesday.6.What time did you finish your work? 7. Mary did not call me at 7,8. Tom  liked the film he had seen.9. You heard the news yesterday.10. Some minutes ago my watch stopped11. When she left the room, her baby was crying.

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