Сочинение 20 предложений на тему Опеши своего кумира

shoppodarki 18 ноября 2023

Сочинение 20 предложений на тему Опеши своего кумира.

категория: английский язык


My hobbie is music. That's why my music idol is Michael Jackson. He was a dominant figure in popular music. Millions of people all over the world like him. He was a star on stage. But at home he was quite and shy. He lived in a big house, CA, USA with his family. He had brothers, they had band called 'Jackson5'. But Michael was international superstar. I love his music, dancing and clothes. He had very interesting, his own style. (12). I have almost all his CDs. Also I have a lot of his life video. To go his live concert was my dream. But it was very expensive. I didn't have opportunity to go there. I hoped that I'll be able to go to see it after few years. But… He was dead June 25, 2009 (aged 50) Los Angeles, California, U.S. I was very unhappy. But he is still live in our hearts.

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