Сочинение на тему мой дом на английском

lubasha 13 октября 2023

Сочинение на тему мой дом на английском

категория: английский язык


My family and I live in a 3-room flat in an apartment building of twelve floors. Our flat is on the fifth floor. There are 2 bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom in it. There is a balcony too.Our flat faces the south and it's very light.The sitting room is large. There is a dining table with four chairs, two cupboards, two armchairs, a sofa. There is a TV, a stereo, a computer. There are also several book-shelves. We have a few plants at the window. My parents and I like to gather in the sitting room in the evening to watch TV and to talk.In the bedrooms we have beds and wardrobes, lamps, mirrors. The floor is covered with a thick carpet.In the kitchen we have running cold and hot water, a stove, a fridge. There is a kitchen table , a cupboard and 2 shelves, a radio.We often invite guests to our place. Everybody agrees that our home is very nice and hospitable.

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