Сочинение по английском на тему мои домашние питомцы

tgxxx 12 сентября 2023

Сочинение по английском на тему мои домашние питомцы. Про кошку по имени Муся, кошке 13 лет. Помогите!

категория: английский язык


My cat is called Musya. She loves to play with me … When I'm going to school in the morning, the cat begins to miss … I leave them in the porch and look out the window, and there sits my kot.I here I come domoy.I finally starting to play with the cat. when my mother calls me to eat, then he heard a cat runs ahead of menya.Vecherom I do not like it kupayu.On vodu.I while he hisses. zabavno.Kogda it's the cat finally got out of the bath, then immediately shakes the water from its fur, and becomes pushistym.V weekend we try to walk with him on ulitse.On loves to climb on derevyam.Odnazhdy he almost fell off the nego.Moy cat is just wonderful, I love it …

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