Составить и записать 7 вопросов к этому тексту. I am a student

vikfresh 06 ноября 2023

Составить и записать 7 вопросов к этому тексту. I am a student. I study medicine at the university in my town. I live with my parents in thehouse near the city centre. I have got a sister, but she doesn't live in the house. She is a architect and she work in London.Her job is very interesting. My parents are teachers in the same school. My mum teach French. My dad is a art teacher and he paints in his free time.

категория: английский язык


1) I am a student2) I study medecine at the uneversity in my town3) I live with my parents in a house near the city centre4) I have got a sister but she doesn't live in the house5) She's an architect and she works in London6) Her job is very interesting7) My parents are teachers in the same school8) My mum theaches French9) My dad is an art teacher and he paints in his free time 1. Where do I study? 2. Do I live with my parents? 3. Where does my sister live? 4. Is her job interesting? 5. What are my parents? 6. Does my mum teach French or English? 7. What does my father do in his free time?

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