Составьте 5 преложений simple past , 5 предложений past continuous …

kokos 15 ноября 2023

Составьте 5 преложений simple past , 5 предложений past continuous , 5 предложений past perfect.

категория: английский язык


1.past simple/he took his bad closed the window and left the room. They went to the country last sunday he told me a story about one man who wrote amazing stories I didn t know that he was born in 1997 he moved to the Paris 6 years ago2.past continuous.we were watching tv when my father camethe sun eas shining brightythey were doing their homework at 5 yesterdayshe was drinking coffee when i came inmary was diong chores at 5 o clock3.past perfecti had finished doing my homesork by 6 yesterdayi had finished doing my task when my father came.when i was going to school i remembered that i had not switched off the gas.Malfoy had done the work by the time his friend returnedThe rain had stopped and the stars were twinkling on the dark sky

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