Составьте рассказ о Старом Осколе на англ. Языке

andrewmv 03 октября 2023

Составьте рассказ о Старом Осколе на англ. Языке.

категория: английский язык


I live in town Stary Ockol. Stary Ockol is the most beautiful town in my opinion. There are a lot of trees and flowers here. We even have peacocks, butterflies, elephant, bears… .and they live in our parks. Surprisingly, isn’t it? They are made of flowers and actually they are flowerbeds. Children and adults like taking pictures with them. In our local museum you can learn about history of the town and even some facts from history of Russia. The museum has got a big impressive collection of butterflies. We also have big zoo. I like watching bears and lions. You can adopt a parrot, a rabbit or a tortoise from the zoo if you like. Next to the zoo there is a arboretum where you can find a lot beautiful plant. I like my town very much.

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