Текст з англійської мови про сім'ю

robocop90 17 октября 2023

Текст з англійської мови про сім'ю

категория: английский язык


It could be said that the fundamental task of the time ofchildhood and adolescence is related to having a space tobuild a value system that will allow them to interpret,understand and transform reality. I fully agree with the idea.In the first place, to have a system of meaning and value islike a fundamental grammar that the human being needs to “believe and create” , to walk through life, to build his ownproject and from there to build his own world. This system isbuilt within and by the family. It all comes bask to the familyand therefore we need to find a way to empower the familywithin which the capacity for resilience is at play.Furthermore, we have to collaborate with the state in the taskof protecting families at risk. We believe that a great vacuumhad existed in relation to family policies, even when dealingwith policies towards children and adolescents. We believethat today parents are in need of much

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