The party (to be) _______ great!

fandorinnn 16 октября 2023

The party (to be) _______ great! we (have fun) ______ for the whole night . For dinner we (have) _____ very nice soup, some, salads, and pizzaswith cheese and tomatoes. While we (eat) ____ , we (listen) ______ to our favourite music. When we (have) _______ tea with marmalade, Janet (bring) _______ in a big chocolate cake! It (be) ______ vere nice. When we (finish) _______ the dinner, we (start) _____ to play. At 11 pm we (play) _____ "Snap! ". It (to be) ______ very exciting! For an hour or two we (play) ____ some other games. while we (play) _____ the game "who am i? ",Charlie (feel) _____ tired and (go) ____ to bed. At 2 o'clock in the morning we all (feel) ____ tired and (go) ____ to bed, too.

категория: английский язык


Washad funhadwere eating, were listeninghadhad broughtwashad finished, startedplayedwaswere playingwere playingfelt, wentfelt went

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