Present Simple or Present Continuous?

airat211 17 октября 2023

Present Simple or Present Continuous? Sue: What 1)., are you doing… (you/do) now? Mark: I 2) … (look) through these old film magazines. Look, here's an old picture of Jack Nicholson.Sue: Oh, I 3) … (think) he 4) … (look) awful! And his suit 5) … (not/fit) him properly.

категория: английский язык


Sue: What are you doing now? Mark: I am looking through these old film magazines. Look, here's an old picture of Jack Nicholson.Sue: Oh, I think he looks awful! And his suit does not fit him properly.Mark: Yes, I'm agree. And he appears to be really angry. I wonder what he is thinking about.Sue: He is in that new film that's on at the Odeon now, isn't he? Mark: Yes, I saw it last night. He is looking very different now. He weighs a lot more.Sue: I hope it's a good film. I will see it tonight (В этом предложении не может быть настоящего! Здесь будущее). Stuart takes me. Actually, he is very nice to me these days.Mark: He probably wants to borrow some money.Sue: I see. That explains it.

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